
Dementia Friendly Johnson County

The Dementia Friendly Johnson County Action Team is a collaborative effort consisting of government, the local Area Agency on Aging, the local Alzheimer’s Association, agencies serving the older adult population including those with dementia. The action team has already started providing trainings from some of their 24 local Dementia Friends Champions and are making plans to offer more trainings for the public as well as offering Dementia Friendly Business/Organization trainings to businesses, organizations, government entities, the University of Iowa and local school districts. The team has four subcommittees focused on the following: training, recruitment/outreach, research and marketing. The mission of the Dementia Friendly Johnson County Action Team is to break the stigma surrounding dementia by creating awareness and educating community members and businesses, along with growing the network of Dementia Friends. The effort is co-led by Kamryn Atwater and Lindsey Reed with several local community members and organizations collaborating together on the team. Join the local Dementia Friendly Johnson County action team! The team meets quarterly, on the last Tuesday of the first month. Upcoming meetings in 2024 will be: January 30 (3pm), April 30 (3pm), July 30 (3pm), and October 29 (3pm). Please email Kamaryn Atwater ( for more information about the action team.

Trained Dementia Friendly Businesses and Organizations: