What is a Dementia Friendly Community?

Dementia Friendly America (DFA) is a national network of communities, organizations and individuals seeking to ensure that communities across the U.S. are equipped to support people living with dementia and their caregivers. Dementia Friendly Iowa is the initiative at the state level helping launch individual dementia friendly communities across the state. A dementia friendly community is a village, town, city or county that is informed, safe and respectful of individuals with the disease, their families and caregivers and provides supportive options that foster quality of life. Becoming a recognized Dementia Friendly Community means a community is engaging in a process to become more dementia friendly.

This is a cross-sector approach to change and education in the community to better support people living with dementia and their caregivers.

Community initiatives are driven by volunteer action teams which include people living with dementia as key members. These efforts seek to increase strengths and fill gaps when it comes to support for people with dementia. This includes offering dementia training for business as well as launching supports such as volunteer groups, memory cafes, support groups, and education.

Cedar Valley

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Johnson County

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Linn County

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Marion County

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Des Moines Metro

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Currently, Cedar Valley, Clarinda, Des Moines Metro, Dubuque, Davenport/Bettendorf, Johnson County, Linn County, Maquoketa, Marion County, and Vinton are the ten communities that have recognized Dementia Friendly Community initiatives underway. Dementia Friendly Iowa is currently working with several other towns across the state to launch dementia friendly community efforts. Everyone, from all sectors of the community, is welcome to join in the efforts!

Hear from a Dementia Friendly Cedar Valley action team member, Kevin Dill. Kevin is living with Lewy Body Dementia. In this video, he will explain why community awareness across all sectors is important.